Rivetweb Configuration

After you cloned Rivetweb repository you can start a new website configuring Apache to let it know where Rivetweb and your website are.

Open Apache's configuration file and create this stanza of Rivet directives

<IfModule rivet_module>
    RivetServerConf ChildInitScript "set rweb_root <rivetweb_root>"
    RivetServerConf ChildInitScript "set website_root <website_root>"
    RivetServerConf ChildInitScript "source [file join $rweb_root init.tcl]"
    RivetServerConf BeforeScript    "cd $website_root"
    RivetServerConf BeforeScript    "source before.tcl"

Depending on your goal you may put these lines within a <VirtualHost>...</VirtualHost> definition and consider to add

RivetServerConf SeparateVirtualInterps on

To improve application safety if you have others Rivet based applications running on the same Apache server.